Enjoyment in Your Own Backyard
summer holiday plans in sight and higher fuel prices looming, many home owners
are choosing to remodel and rejuvenate their outdoor living space and enjoy a ‘summer
staycation’ this year.
makes sense to invest in your biggest asset – your home - while enjoying those
rewards. Adding a deck or patio can double your living space transforming an
under-utilized back yard into year-round outdoor living.
Out Your Home’s Potential
you choose to redo a deck, add a concrete patio, or introduce creative
landscaping, consider what you want to achieve. Will your space be used
primarily for family and social gatherings or as a tranquil oasis?
you’ve decided on a theme or design, the possibilities are endless. From
stylish outdoor furnishings and textiles to practical and trendy outdoor
lighting and heating systems, your home’s potential is ready to be reborn.
The warmth of traditional outdoor flame has
incorporated contemporary features. From portable campfires to visually
stunning flame towers and fire bowls, outdoor entertaining combines elegance
with function.
One of the central features of a patio is an outdoor fireplace. Products
ranging from sophisticated outdoor fireplaces to mounted and portable patio
heaters now give homeowners more options to expand their home’s outdoor livingspace.
Today, outdoor heaters are available for use with gas, propane or
To help you choose wisely, ask: ‘What does my
backyard look like?’ and ‘How much entertaining do I do?’ This can help
you determine if you need portable heat or a permanent installation.
Types of Outdoor Heaters:
Free standing
Built in
option is infrared electric heaters which distribute focused and even heat.
Known for its practicality and energy efficiency, infrared or radiant heat
provides warmth to outdoor patios or decks, transferring heat energy directly
to a person or object.
or hanging heaters have also become popular, used to create outdoor rooms in
canopies and covered patio areas.
hanging heaters are slim, compact, and have adjustable brackets. They can be
flush mounted, and safely and tightly positioned up to six inches from soffits,
awnings and overhangs. With their compact overhead design, they are easily
concealed in the room design, and floor space is maximized.
with traditional gas burners, infrared electric heaters have twice the energy
efficiency because of their ability to focus radiant heat energy, without
gas burners can range from $1,000 to $1,200, electric overhanging heaters are
affordable from $500 to $900 per unit. Hanging heaters are simple to install,
inexpensive to use and easy to maintain.
The traditional ‘lamp-post’ style is common, and can
generate warmth within a one foot radius. With its portable nature, people can
either move to gather around the heater to take the chill off, or the heat can
move where the people go.
While the mushroom-topped natural gas and propane
patio heaters are widely popular, outdoor heating has come a long way. Today,
limitless possibilities exist with the creation of innovative outdoor spaces.
Blog Archive
- May(3)
- Deck Maintenance - [MM]
- A Little Planning Goes a Long Way
- Tips for a Smooth Renovation
- Your Entrance Says It All - [ TT ]
- Your renovation's Potential Payback - [ FF ]
- Deck Design: Architectural Elements
- Keep Your Home Cool
- The Air Conditioner - [ TT ]
- Save Energy. Save Costs. - [MM]
- Bathroom Trends - Win a Bathroom Remodel!
- Reinvent Your Own Backyard
- 5 Outdoor Deck Trends
- The First Meeting - [ TT ]
- Spring is Here - [ MM ]
- Expand Your Living Space to the Outdoors
- February(1)
- January(1)
- 2011 (1)
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